Beyond star wars books timeline canon

There are plenty of fans for whom the movies arent nearly enough, and the people behind one of the alltime great science fantasy sagas have always been more than happy to oblige. This timeline includes published and approved unpublished star wars stories euonly material can be found in the individual eras this complete saga page follows the one canon approach, allowing eucompatible stories from the postdisney era of star. A mostly complete star wars canon timeline nerdist. The films, tv shows, books, comics, video games, and short stories summarized into the most important moments of galactic history. The list includes films, television episodes, novels, comic books, short stories, video games, and other promotional material. This spinoff material is licensed and moderated by lucasfilm, though during his involvement with the franchise george lucas reserved the right to both draw from and contradict it in his own works. New hope and spans beyond the conclusion of return of the jedi. Episode i the phantom menace, just after padme amidala has been elected monarch of naboo. Aftermath introduces the acolytes of the beyond, aiming to reunite. Alex created his channel on november 24, 2014, but didnt post his first video until january 2, 2015, called star wars minute channel trailer star wars minute. Lucasfilm reveals official timeline of the star wars saga. Since 2014, the official star wars canon includes all of the movie episodes, the clone wars film and the television shows star wars.

So a few weeks ago i made a massive timeline of all current canon media, including the films, tv shows, books and comics. Quigon jinn and obiwan kenobi as the two jedi navigate a dangerous new planet and an uncertain future in the first canon star wars. Nov 18, 2016 this list of the top 15 non canon star wars stories includes books that examine sith mythology, jedi training, ancient worlds and the murderous rampage of darth vader. This timeline includes published and approved unpublished star wars stories euonly material can be found in the individual eras this complete saga page follows the one canon approach, allowing eucompatible stories from the postdisney era of star wars literature. Star wars canon audiobook timeline penguin random house. Star wars canon is the official continuity of the star wars saga. Some cancelled the clone wars episodes were adapted into canon books and comics in the clone wars legacy multimedia project. In other words, in what disney now calls legends, here are the best non canon stories we wish were still part of the continuity. The best canon star wars book timeline in the galaxy. Case files on the galaxys most notorious establishes that cad bane was 41 years old in the year 7956 c. Claudia gray is among the elite star wars authors when it comes to crafting compelling stories. This article discusses the fictional timeline of the star trek franchise. Star wars canon novels a reading order justin beeson medium.

The game is one of the few exceptions to the rule of. Star wars legends stories cover a timeframe that stretches back to 25,000 years before the battle of yavin and up to 140 years after it, so to make it easier to place a storys chronological setting, lucasbooks introduced five eras of adventure in 2000. The old republic, rise of the empire, the rebellion, the new republic and the new jedi order. Queens peril is an upcoming canon youngadult novel written by e. The clone wars, star wars rebels, and star wars resistance, as well as any books, comics, and video games published after april 2014.

Star wars canon novels a reading order justin beeson. Check out our beginners guide to the canon timeline. The best star wars books to read first a getting started guide. Star wars inspires a love that can border on obsession. Timeline memory beta, noncanon star trek wiki fandom. So far i was unable to find an actual complete chronological list the two best results i got was. With this new star wars canon timeline, you can now stay current on everything. This timeline is organized chronologically and in six different categories. The official canon does not include the expanded universe, which is now considered a separate continuity and referenced under the legends label. Episode i the phantom menace and explores the origins and early days of darth maul, an antagonist.

Inappropriate the list including its title or description facilitates illegal activity, or contains hate speech or ad hominem attacks on a fellow goodreads member or author. Aside from toys, clothes, and the obscenely large death star co. On the state of star wars canon i myself have been struggling with it at least i was up until the high republic announcement at the time as of this writing. Star wars canon audiobook timeline penguin random house audio. The complete canon star wars book timeline youtini. Star wars has been expanded to media other than the original films. Relaunch novels timeline memory beta, noncanon star. The clone wars, star wars rebels, and novels released in and after september 2014 beginning with star wars. The timeline now divides the entire star wars saga. The franchise is primarily set in the future, ranging from the mid22nd century star trek. Below are our picks of the best star wars booksfrom both the legends timeline and current canon. The chronology of star trek relaunch novels includes tng, ds9, voy, titan and nf stories. The story of star wars, for the kind of fan that wants to know everything, is much bigger than the movies, spanning several novels, comic book series, video.

Nov 24, 2014 alexander damon, better known online as star wars explained, is a channel devoted to star wars knowledge, making videos on star wars characters, video games and movies. This is a timeline for books considered canon in the new continuity. The series depicts the adventures of various characters a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. An unexpected offer threatens the bond between quigon jinn and obiwan kenobi as the two jedi navigate a dangerous new planet and an uncertain future in the first canon star wars novel to take place before the events of star wars. So far i was unable to find an actual complete chronological list.

Many derivative star wars works have been produced in conjunction with, between, and after. The old republic is not considered to be part of the canon timeline, even though new material for the mmo has been produced after the establishment of the new canon on april 25, 2014. Spam or selfpromotional the list is spam or selfpromotional. Like rebels itself, the series can be enjoyed by people outside of its gradeschool audience, too. Yesterday at the d23 conference, disney unveiled the new official timeline of star wars films and television. Nemesis, ds9 begins after the final episode of the series. Check out our star wars timeline for all of the major events and milestones in the canon, including movies, tv shows, and books, in the faraway galaxy. Star wars canon timeline aug 2019 kenobi series update. May 04, 2019 15 best books from the defunct star wars expanded universe photos even though were in a new era of star wars, its always good to look back at where weve been in the long. Where does star wars battlefront 2 fit in the timeline. If you watch rebels but havent read star wars books or comics. I wanted to keep track of my slow progress reading through all the star wars canon novels, but i couldnt find a good list.

Star wars canon books in chronological order youtini. Is there an officialish complete chronological order. Star wars books the downloadable pdf timeline of the. It should include all of the known star wars books, not just the main novels including the entire timeline, from the origins of the sith in,000 bby to postnewjediorder books, all of the comics and all the games.

Any books, games and comics released before that time were marked legends, leaving the six star wars saga films and animated series star wars. Watch the entire history of the star wars canon so far. Stay tuned for more incredible star wars audiobooks in 2020 and beyond. The ultimate guide to reading the star wars books reedsy. Continuity canon, tiein media like books and comics that. May 04, 2020 check out our star wars timeline for all of the major events and milestones in the canon, including movies, tv shows, and books, in the faraway galaxy. Relaunch novels timeline memory beta, noncanon star trek. May 04, 2018 watch the entire history of the star wars canon so far. Light of the jedi is an upcoming canon novel written by charles soule. The official canon includes all of the star wars films, star wars. It is not hosted, operated, or sponsored by lucasfilm ltd. As we gear up for star wars celebration 2019, we thought it would be.

Dec 10, 2019 below are our picks of the best star wars booksfrom both the legends timeline and current canon. I get it and understand why lucasfilm wanted to create a unified timeline one for the current stuff canon and one for the past stuff legends. This books excels by giving a fresh take on the star wars story fans already know and love. Star wars battlefront ii is on the way and its bringing the longawaited singleplayer campaign that was missing from its 2015 predecessor.

Is there an officialish complete chronological order for. The publisher has brought together the continuities of all these series. He has made videos explaining character backgrounds, species. These books are part of the original star wars expanded universe, and follow an internally consistent timeline. This novel is only available as an audiobook and follows asajj.

What you leave behind, voy begins after the final episode of the series. What casual fans may not know is that all of these productions and publications are now officially part of the new canon, meaning that they are included in the fictional history of that galaxy far, far away. Mar 12, 2020 2233 kelvin timeline the uss kelvin is destroyed by timetravelling 24th century romulan ship narada, kickstarting the socalled the kelvin timeline. Dec 02, 2019 star wars inspires a love that can border on obsession. Sep 30, 2015 guide to star wars canon schmoedown entertainment network. It will be published by disneylucasfilm press on may 5, 2020. New canon the newly standardized star wars canon includes all the movie episodes, the clone wars and rebels tv shows, and new books since. Alexander damon, better known online as star wars explained, is a channel devoted to star wars knowledge, making videos on star wars characters. The official canon does not include the expanded universe, which is now considered a separate continuity and referenced under the legends. The star wars novelizations of the original trilogy are considered canon. Star wars is an american epic spaceopera media franchise, centered on a film series created by george lucas that includes star wars 1977, the empire strikes back 1980, and return of the jedi 1983. Simple star wars book list timeline of star wars novels. Star wars timeline gold star wars datapad swdatapad is the ultimate chronological timeline and release date lists for star wars media in the official canon.

The star wars novelizations of the original trilogy are considered canon where they align with the films which means they add no new canon material and actually contain content that is not canon. Complete with every canon star wars book ever written. For example, droids are referred to as mechanicals, yoda was blue, and ben and owen were brothers. Its official star wars canon and its doing things a little bit differently. May 24, 2017 as any star wars fan worth his or her salt knows, when disney purchased lucasfilm in 2012, it also reset the official star wars canon. Star wars books march 6, 2012 the downloadable pdf timeline of the bantam and del rey novels has been updated on suvudu. The timeline is the 14 billion or so years of history of the universe contentsshow ancient history billions of years ago millions of years ago thousands of years ago 1st century 2nd century 3rd century 4th century 5th century 6th century 7th century 8th century 9th century 10th century 11th century 12th century th century 14th century 15th century 16th century 17th century 18th century. August 29, 2019 since disney bought lucasfilm in 2012, there has been a substantial amount of new star wars material, including comic books, novels, tv series, and games.

After the force awakens, multiple films have been released, including spinoffs rogue one 2016 and solo. Up until disney acquired lucasfilm in 2012, the expanded universe i. They either included everything being published, or left off the. Galactic atlas dates that podrace to 32 bby, it can be calculated that bane was born in the year 62 bby. Incorrect book the list contains an incorrect book please specify the title of the book. However the franchise has also outlined a fictional future history of earth prior to this, and, primarily through time travel plots, explored both past and furtherfuture. A complete guide to the new star wars canon before the force.

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